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上海菜,当地人称为本帮菜。最初为上海本地居民的家庭料理,后各地移民纷至沓来,上海菜开始吸收各地不同的风格,调和成今天以浓油赤酱、淡雅爽口、醇厚鲜美、咸淡适中的本帮菜。除一般烹调手法外,本帮菜擅长糟味,极富江南地区特色。目前本帮菜以绿波廊、上海老饭店等两家百年老店最为著名[参 200]。八宝鸭、糟钵头、虾子大乌参、腌笃鲜等均为知名的菜肴,而油爆虾、红烧甩水则是较为知名的家常菜。此外,生煎馒头和小笼馒头则是本帮小吃的知名代表。



Shanghai dishes usually appear red and shiny because they are often pickled in wine. They are cooked using a variety of methods including baking, stewing, braising, steaming and deep-frying. Fish, crab and chicken are made "drunken" with spirits and briskly cooked, steamed, or served raw. Salted meats and preserved vegetables are also commonly used to enhance various dishes. Sugar is an important ingredient in Shanghai cuisine, especially when used in combination with soy sauce. Another characteristic is the use of a great variety of seafood. Rice is more commonly served than noodles or other wheat products.

shanghai_flavor shanghai_flavor


此外,由于上海开埠后大批移民涌入,申城可以见到来自全国各地的各菜系餐馆。其中粤菜以杏花楼和新雅粤菜馆[参 201] 最为著名,而苏菜则以德兴馆为其代表,宁波风格料理则可以在宁波汤团店品尝到。

而西方饮食文化随同上海开埠进入申城,1853年开业的老德记西餐馆为沪上首家西餐厅。最初西餐一般以应对外国顾客为主,1910年德大西餐馆开业,成为面向各界民众的西餐馆。十月革命后,由于大批苏俄侨民涌入,俄式西餐一度成为大众西餐的典范,其中罗宋汤颇受平民喜爱[参 202]。目前,上海经营各国菜肴的餐馆为数众多,风格来自世界各地。而西方糕点随同西餐传入后由于其价格较之正式西餐相对低廉,受到普通民众的喜爱。



Shanghai cuisine emphasizes the use of condiments and the importance of retaining the original flavors of the raw ingredients materials. It aims at lightness in flavor and is mellower and slightly sweet in taste compared to some other Chinese cuisines. Sweet and sour is a typical Shanghai taste. An attractive presentation is also important in Shanghai cooking with ingredients being carefully cut and presented with a view to harmonizing colours.

In recent times special attention has been paid to low-sugar and low-fat food, with a good quantity of vegetables and improved nutritional value.

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